New Disconnect Order (Vendor)

New Disconnect Order (Vendor)

Perform the following steps for a new disconnect order as a vendor:

Step 1

After the client sends the new disconnect order, you will receive an email to review and complete the disconnect order.

Upon receiving the email, click Enter to access the Asignet portal to view the details.

Step 2

On the Asignet portal, the New Disconnect Order for Line or Circuit - Vendor page will open to show the information provided by the client and any additional comments or attached documents they might have added regarding the disconnect order.

Step 3

Enter the order number in the Order Number field. Next, select the expected due date from the calendar date picker in the Due Date field.

Step 4

Review the details for accuracy prior to submitting the disconnect order.

Step 5

After reviewing the details and if ready, submit the disconnect order by clicking Complete.

There is also the option to save the information, reject and return to the client, or download a PDF copy of the order.

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