Asignet Platform User Guide

Welcome! We are glad you are here.

The Applications menu is the landing page you’ll see each time to log into the platform.


What can I see in this module?


What can I see in this module?

Building / Location List

 You can store your company's locations in the platform and associate them with your users (employees), inventory, and billing items; or utilize them in the wireline and wireless ordering modules. The Building / Location List module allows you to:

  • View the your location sites in a grid or map view.

  • Create building or location types.

AP Process

 The AP Process tool provides you the ability to:

  • Generate a client payment file (AP File) and see the history of previous files generated.

  • View the vendor remittance information.

  • Upload the vendor remittance information for multiple accounts at one time using a specific Import Template format.

Device Inventory

 The Device Inventory module provides you the ability to:

  • View all wireless device records.

  • Track which users have specific devices and locate spare devices in the warehouses.

  • Set up warehouses that can be used for storing devices.

  • Assign devices to users and lines/services.

Expense Management

 The Expense Management module provides you the ability to:

  • Generate reports on various spend and invoice activity

  • View your contracts and associated savings

  • Manage your invoice lifecycle

  • Manage your account setup & remit information

HR / Employees

 The HR module provides you the ability to:

  • See employee profiles that have been setup in the platform

  • Manage employee associations to locations & devices

Inventory Management

 The Inventory Management modules allows you to explore and manage your inventory for both wireless and wireline services.

  • See all your wireline and wireless services.

  • Dissect your inventory in Inventory Tabs and view services by Invoice, GL, Site Address, User, and any custom criteria that your company may have defined.

  • Drill down by country in the Inventory by Location page.

Service Desk


Service Catalog


Orders Provisioning Panel


Usage Management

The Usage Management module streamlines the way employees and managers request new mobile service or change existing services for themselves - plus it provides them with visibility to their mobile usage and cost each month.

Employee Access

  • view their own individual usage report for their assigned mobile services & devices.

  • create & monitor mobile orders for services using Asignet’s wireless provisioning workflows.

Manager Access

  • view a usage report for mobile devices by total cost, charges by cost group, unbilled usage, and monthly trend for employees reporting directly to them.

  • create & monitor mobile orders for services using Asignet’s wireless provisioning workflows.

Customer Line Validation



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