
You can store vendor contract details, including supporting attachments, and other details in the platform. It's beneficial to keep contracts updated so you can refer to them when reviewing invoice charges and managing billing rates. Additionally, contract notifications can help you proactively manage your contract expirations and renewals. 

The Asignet Contacts module empowers you to:

Add / Modify Contracts

  • View and manage your contracts in one module.

  • Map specific account elements to a contract.

  • Manage the status of each contract.

  • Map billing elements to contracted rates.

Add/Modify Recommendations

  • Build recommendations, or audit rules, for billing line items that may appear on your invoices.

  • Identify services related to high-speed, non-published listings, inside wire maintenance, ETF, LNP PICC & early toll fraud, paper invoice fee, or unreturned equipment.

  • Find services that need to have an added feature (like Travel Pass or Global Calling). 

Expiring Contracts

  • Focus on contracts that are approaching their expiration date within 120 days, 90 days, or 45 days.

  • See contracts that have already expired.


Add/Modify Billing Items Group

This tool shows all the Asignet cost groups, or Billing Item Group Types. These Groups Types are the main cost categories (such as Taxes, MRC, Usage) that we map billing line items to. Within each Group Type, we can have several Billing Item Groups. For example, within Usage we would have domestic data, roaming data, voice usage, and messaging.

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