New Disconnect Order

To request a new disconnect order for line or circuit, click the WKF Order Disconnect Line option to open a new window. This will process a new disconnect order for line or circuit from the vendor.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the vendor name from Vendor drop-down list.

  2. Choose the due date for the disconnect order in Requested Due Date field.

  3. Select the level of priority from Priority drop-down list. Valid values are Expedite, High, Medium, or Low.

  4. Select the type of circuit from Request Circuits Type drop-down list. Valid values are Voice or Data.

  5. Enter the criteria in Select Existing Site Id field. Find the site name then select the name.

  6. Select Yes or No from Site Closure drop-down list to specify if the disconnect order is for a site closure.

  7. Enter the criteria in Requestor field. Find the requestor name then select the name to display the requestor email information.

  8. Enter the subject matter in Subject field.

  9. Enter the ticket number or project name in Service Now Ticket Number or Project Name field.

  10. Enter a general comment in General Comments section.

  11. Select the line/circuit to be added by clicking the check box in Select column. These circuits are determined by the combination of the Site ID and the type of circuit selected. Click Lines to display the line/circuit in the Selected Line/Circuit section.

  12. To add additional items not in inventory, click Add additional items not in inventory to open a new window.

    1. Enter the criteria in Site ID field. Find the site name then select the name.

    2. Select the service type. For example, MPLS.

    3. Enter the circuit/service ID, description, and account.

    4. Click Save to apply changes or click Cancel to abort the operation.

  13. To add additional notes or special instructions, click Notes/Comments to open a new window.

    1. Enter a comment describing the disconnect order in Additional Notes/Special Instructions section.

    2. Click Save to apply changes.

  14. Enter the criteria in Select Vendor Account Manager field. Find the name of vendor account manager then select the name. Click Account Manager to list the vendor account manager.

  15. To create a new vendor account manager, click New Account Manager to open a new window.

    1. Enter the first name, last name, email address, phone number, and title.

    2. In the Default field, click the check box to make default.

    3. In the Provisioning field, click the check box to allow provisioning.

    4. Click Accept to apply changes or click Cancel to abort the operation.

  16. Select Yes or No from drop-down list in Notifications section to specify if others need to be notified of this disconnect order. If Yes is selected, the Add Users and Other Users sections are displayed.

    1. To add a notification person in the Add Users section, enter the criteria in the User field. Find the name of person to be notified then select the name. Click Add to list the name.

    2. To add an additional user in the Other Users section, enter the name, email, and telephone. Click Add to list the name.

  17. Click Submit to submit the disconnect order or click Save to save the draft.

  18. Once submitted, the designated users will receive a notification for approval.

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