
The Adjustment page provides a view used when making a manual charge adjustment on an invoice or range of invoices. An adjustment is needed when the value was either entered incorrectly, or the incorrect amount was received from the vendor. This page allows the user to define adjustment definitions for a selected vendor.

New Adjustment

To add a new adjustment, click New to open a new window.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Select the type of adjustment from Adjustment Type drop-down list.

  2. Select the class of adjustment from Adjustment Class drop-down list. If making the adjustment for a single invoice, choose Invoice. If the adjustment needs to be applied to all invoices for a particular account across a date range, choose Account .

  3. Select the specific vendor from Vendor drop-down list.

  4. Enter a description for adjustment in Adjustment Description field.

  5. Enter the amount for adjustment in Amount field. The amount should be the corrected amount of the adjustment.

  6. Enter the billing item for adjustment in Billing item field. The billing item is the invoice item that needs the adjustment. Refer to the invoice for the correct billing item.

  7. Click Save to apply changes or click Cancel to abort the operation.

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