Reviewing your wireline inventory

The primary module to review your wireline inventory is in the Inventory page. To access this report-type page,

  1. Go to the Inventory Management module.

  2. Click on Wireline.

  3. Select Inventory in the Wireline sub-menu.

Changing your inventory view

  • Expand your view.

  • Go to the Map view and see your inventory across the globe

Standard columns available in the Inventory page






The vendor name.



Service ID

The unique billing service item.




Class is how the Asignet classifies the main service, such as Wireless, Data, or Voice.


Subclass is a sub-category within the Class, such as Broadband, MPLS, Toll Free, or PRI.

Technical Circuit



Bandwidth value.

BW - Unit

The unit of measurement for the bandwidth speed.

Working With


Last Inventory - Date

The date of the last inventory data capture.

Last Inventory - Dwn

Download the inventory file.

Last Invoice - Date

The date of the last invoice received for the inventory service.

Last Invoice - Currency

The invoice currency.

Last Invoice - Amount

The total invoice amount (current charge).

Last Invoice - Dwn

Download the last invoice.

Last Invoice - Parser

The name of the invoice parser.

GL - Edit

Edit the GL Code associated to the service.

GL - Count


GL - Ledger Code String

The current GL String value associated to the service.

GL - Update User

The name of the user who last updated to the GL value.

GL - Update Date

The date of the last time the GL value was updated.


The inventory status (Active or Inactive).

Site Name

The building / location name that has been associated to the service.

Site Address - Code

The building / location code.

Site Address - Description


Service ID Address - Address

Address Line 1 of the associated building / location.

Service ID Address - Country


Service ID Address - State


Service ID Address - City


ITAM CMDB - Router


ITAM CMDB - Interface


Custom fields!

We support client custom fields - so you may see other columns that were set up just for you!


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