Warehouse Type

Warehouse Type

The Warehouse Type List page shows the warehouse types and provides the ability add, edit, and delete a warehouse type.

Add Warehouse Type

Click New to open a new window to add a warehouse type.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the code of warehouse.

  2. Enter the type of warehouse.

  3. Click Accept to apply changes or click Cancel to abort the operation.

Edit Warehouse Type

Click the magnifying glass icon in Edit column to open a new window to edit the warehouse type.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Edit the appropriate fields.

  2. Click Accept to apply changes or click Cancel to abort the operation.

Delete Warehouse Type

Click the red x icon in Delete column to open a new window to delete the warehouse type.

Perform the following steps:

  1. Review the information to confirm.

  2. Click Delete to apply changes or click Cancel to abort the operation.

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