In this lesson, we are going to review the Customers section at General Options. This feature is connected to the project execution functionality since we can manage the deployments at customer level.
It’s important to make sure that the customers that we want to include are setup in database with an instance associated. This needs to be requested before to start with the association.
How to associate a Customer to the Project?
Let’s go to General Options clicking on the header icon. Then click on “Customers” tab
By default, we will see the DBO customer which is the one for the development environment.
Click “New” button to establish the relationship with new customers to the project.
A popup is displayed with all the customers available in Wayfast. We can search by the customer that we want to add and click “Assign” checkbox. Click “Submit” button
Automatically the new customer is listed on the section. In the next steps, we are going to analyze the purpose of this association. In the meantime, we have the ability to remove this customer from the project in case it’s not needed anymore. Click the “Cross” red icon and confirm the deletion.
Customer synchronization in Deployment Project Execution
At this point, we setup the customers that are going to be synchronized in our project application. Let’s verify how the new customer is available on the application’s deployment to any of the environment instances.
Navigate to “Project Execution” header icon and then click “Deployment” tab
Focus on the “Customer” lookup field and you will find the new customer retrieved in the list. Now we can run the synchronization with the settings given.
Through this lesson, we learnt how to manage the customers that we want to include in our project’s deployment. In next lessons, we are going to analyze how to setup the synchronization in terms of environment’s instance and action’s type that we can launch to one specific customer or simply launch the deployment to all the customers in the project.