In previous lessons, we learnt how to define Roles at Application level. It’s important to differentiate this new level of management focused on the Project level. Now we are defining roles for each member going to map roles to specific usres that are going to be part of the development , not users within the applicationteam.
Let’s analyze how we grant access permissions to every user into different Projects inside Wayfast using the “Magic Center”.
Magic Center – How to create a new Wayfast User?
“Magic Center” works as Admin Project under Wayfast. Only Super Users will have access to manage this level of access in Wayfast. We can find the “Magic Center” in the Landing Page like any other Project.
If we navigate through “Profile” tab at left Navigation Bar and select “Users” option, we will have the chance to create new users that are going to be stored in the main database.
Let’s click on “New” button to initiate the process.
A popup will display the “New User” information to continue with the cycle.
Wayfast Admin should provide to new users an Email and Employee ID which are mandatory fields to identify new users. Also it’s important to indicate the Domain User. Once all the required fields are complete, click on “Save” button and the new user will be displayed on User’s dashboard.
Magic Center – How can I grant access to multiple Projects?
Now that we have a new user generated in “Magic Center”, let’s review how we can link them to multiple projects. This tool allow us to make any user part of the “Magic Center” as Admin Project if we want.
First we need to search the user by Email. Then click on “Projects” value link.
Under this section, we can see the all projects listed to the related user.
If we click on “New” button under this section, Wayfast can display all the roles ordered by Solutions. Keep in mind that these items act as portfolios that contain multiple projects associated. Admin will grant the roles into the project by checking the “Assign” checkbox at the right.
Magic Center allows Admin to make mass assignation for one specific user if it’s needed.
How can I manage Wayfast Users on Projects?
How can I grant Wayfast Users access to Projects?
Now we are going to grant new users access to a project. Let’s navigate through the Solution and choose the project that we want to manage Wayfast users.
These roles are generated by default in Wayfast. Normally we recommend to use “Development” role because it contains all the permissions inside the Project. Click on “Submit” button and the Wayfast User will be added to the Project.
How Wayfast Users grant access to Project Database?
Return to “Requirements” main screen by clicking icon at the top menu. Automatically we can see the “New” button to start a New Requirement.
This action is very important on Wayfast, any user selected in “Developer” dropdown will have access to the entire Solution. This means access to the Backend (Project database in SQL including Views, Tables and Stored Procedures) and FrontEnd (Controls and Visual Content) to start the application development.
In the first part , we learnt how to create new Wayfast Users and how they can be linked to Solutions and Projects using the “Magic Center” master project. In the second part, we defined Roles at we associated Project Roles at a Wayfast Project level for each a Wayfast Users previously created and . This helped us to understand the important relationship between the /wiki/spaces/~664035844/pages/1746600010and how they automatically grant access to the database.