You may find a time when you need to display multiple rows of data but do not want to use a GRID control. This is when you could use the Repeater control.
Steps to Create
Preparing your Data
You will first need to define a Dataset, if not already created, so the Repeater control will have field names to use. There are a few requirements in the definition of your returned data for it to work specifically with a Repeater control. The returned field names need to be prefixed with “RH_” (upper- or lower-case works). This allows the engine to know which template fields should be replaced with the returned dataset field value. We will go over this a bit later.
Creating the Repeater Control
Within your page, select “REPEATER” from the “controltype” dropdown and select "New”. A dialog box will appear with the following tabs. Enter in the following data on the appropriate tab:
Select Submit to save your changes which causes the dialog box to close. If the box does not close after clicking Submit, you most likely skipped over one of the required fields. Double check that you have defined/selected the Object Name, Description, Place Holder and HTML Repeater fields.
Defining the “HTML Repeater” Field
Let’s say your Data Set returns the following fields for these individuals, “John Doe” and “Jane Doe”: