Local and long-distance services, MPLS access and ports, VOIP, internet are examples of wireline inventory that are effectively tracked and managed in the platform. We associate all inventory items to their billing counterpart. From the invoice, we provide the billing aspect of your inventory–such as:
Service / Line / Circuit ID (i.e. MPLS, POTS, voice, datathe unique billing service number)
Billing costs
Based on the billing items (your invoice line items) per service, we can derive a hierarchy of types for services that are billing:
Class & Subclass: Class is how the Asignet classifies the main service, such as Data, or Voice. Subtype is a sub-category within the Class, such as MPLS, TollfreeToll Free, or PRI.
Lastly, we can enrich the inventory data capture by giving you the ability to associate the following characteristics to each inventory item:
Location / Building
Custom fields
Navigating the module
The Wireline Inventory page presents a wireline inventory report with a grid or map view and provides the ability to edit line/circuit.
Filter Report List
Click Filters to expand the section to display the filter options.
The information can be filtered by:
Vendor: Select the specific vendor from drop-down list.
Line/Circuit: Enter the line/circuit.
Status: Select the status of line/circuit from drop-down list. Valid values are All, Active, Disconnect, Pending, or Suspend.
City/Town: Enter the name of city/town.
Location/Site: Enter the name of location/site.
Service Description: Select the description of service from drop-down list.
Country: Enter the criteria in entry field. Find the country then select the specific country.
State: Enter the name of state.
Region: Enter the criteria in entry field. Find the region then select the specific region.
Click Filter to display list.
The list can be exported to a spreadsheet by clicking the XLS icon.
Export Report
Click Export All Data to open a new window to export the wireline inventory report.
The list can be exported to a spreadsheet by clicking the XLS icon.
Edit Line/Circuit
Click the pencil icon in Edit column to open a new window which will allow to edit the line/circuit.
Perform the following steps:
Edit the information in the appropriate fields.
Click Save to apply changes or click Cancel to abort the operation.
View Line/Circuit Invoice
To view the last invoice, click the download icon in Dwn column.
Where is the inventory data coming from?
For all the accounts where portal access is provided, Asignet is able to perform DAILY inventory data refreshes. We extract the inventory data from each of your vendors and present the data in a standardized format in the Inventory Management module.
I think inventory data is missing?
First, please remember that we need to have portal access to the vendor / account. If we are manually entering your invoices, then that most likely means that we can’t extract your inventory data from a vendor portal.
We are also continually evolving our inventory data capture and it is also possible we need to take the opportunity to update our processes. Please speak with your Client Account Manager to see if we can enhance our data capture.