In this lesson, we will work on how to define the roles for those Wayfast users who manage the project development.
to grant users access to a Wayfast Project?
Before starting this tutorial, make sure you have create a project and a user to associate to it. Now we are going to navigate through the Solution and open the Project where user is assignedwe want the user to be able to access.
Click on “Requirements” under the Project and click on menu and then go to “Wayfast User” tabsubmenu.
All the Wayfast Users are listed in this screen and we can add new ones assigned Here you can see all Wayfast Users that already have access to this project. We can assign a user to this project by clicking on the “Add” button. “Assigning Users” popup will display “Participants” lookup field that retrieve all the users previously managed on Magic Center and “Roles” dropdown field to link this user to a specific project role.
These roles are given by Wayfast. Normally we recommend to use “Developer” role because it contains all the permissions inside the Project.
Click on “Submit” button and the Wayfast User will be added to the Project.
There are multiple ways to assign users in Wayfast. We can set roles at Project Level for Wayfast users and then we can create new roles at Application Level from General Options – Menu Items section. Also we can go through the Magic Center and assign users to this Application Roles directly without enter to any specific Project. be displayed. Now let’s click on “Participants” field and type the name of the user we want to assign. Now let’s move to “Roles” field. Here we can choose from a list of predefined roles so we can reflect our teams composition in the system.
In this example we are going to use “Developer” role.
The “Default” checkbox will force wayfast to display this user by default every time we create a new requirement.
Workload field allows to assign certain capacity in hours so we can track teams bandwidth.
Last, let’s click on the “Submit” button.
Now this user has access to this project and can contribute to it.