Versions Compared


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On this lesson, we are going to focus on the “Deployment” feature under “Project Execution” tab. This functionality will help developers to identify which version of the application can be deployed to any of the instance where it needs as part of the development process.

A software update or application may be deployed to a test server, a testing machine, or into the live environment, and it may be deployed several times during the development process to verify its proper functioning and check for errors.

How to use the Deployment synchronization in Wayfast?


As a precondition, in this case, we must not have any active requirement before starting the deployment cycle. This should avoid any possible miscommunication between the team members and avoid any chance to deploy anything not ready yet.


In this page, we have the ability to choose between different environments and multiple actions to execute our next deployment. Let’s going to review the properties behind this options:




Deployment Type

We have 3 different environments where we can make the deployment:

  • Schema: Development in which team members deploy the latest changes from the app.

  • QA: Testing environment where we test our upgrade procedure against data and software that closely simulate the Production

  • Production: Environment where the end user can see and interact with the new product.

Type of Action

We have multiple levels of deployment:

  • Wayfast Synchronization: Only Front End development.

  • Wayfast + SPs Synchronization: Front End and Stored Procedures from DBs.

  • ModelObject Synchronization: Only DB model.

  • Structure+Master Data+SPs+Wayfast Synchronization: Full Synchronization that involve all DB’s objects and Front End.

  • Jobs Synchronization: Only the jobs previously created in Database.

  • Partitions Synchronization: Only the partitions previously created in Database.

  • Only Structure and Master Data: System catalog (tables and views that describe the structure of the database).

  • Only Stored Procedures: SPs previously created in Database.

  • Only Structure, Master Data and Stored Procedures

  • PDF Exporter Definitions Synchronization: All the PDF Definitions previously created in Database.



If we want to synchronized the application for all the customers, click on “Sync All” button.


Let’s click on “Sync Up” by WFK” to start the deployment process.


A popup is displayed to confirm the deployment. Click on “Submit” if everything is ready for the execution .

This submission will trigger the workflow approval to launch the code into the environment and the customer selected by the admin.


After completing the form, we can see the deployment log on the table with the corresponding status.


Also there are multiple filters under “Detail Timings” section where we can analyze how many deployments depending on the type, frequency or customer were triggered by selecting the options or date range just using the “Filter” button.


This advanced lesson is oriented to plan and prepare the environments in every phase of the development. Wayfast has the management tools to execute and deploy all the tasks inside our project application.
