On the first part of this document, we will explain how to start on Wayfast platform by creating a new Container (Solution) where the users can gather the different Projects and associate Databases to start any application in Wayfast account. This container will give you the ability to organize and save your work. In few words, you can build your platform -develop, run and manage Web and mobile applications- establishing the structure in simple steps.
How to create Solutions?
Solution Definition: TBD
Once the user has access to Wayfast, you can go to “My Solutions” section and clicks on “+ Solution” button.
A Portfolio icon will provide the # of Projects allocate on each Solution created. Since this is a new container, the container is showing zero values. User can navigate through the “Solution Name” to access into the Solution details form.
How to create Projects?
Project Definition: TBD
Now that we have the main structure created, user can click on “Project” button and build the first element to initiate an Application.
Dashboard will provide the main information regarding the status of your “Requirements”, Size of your code and database and finally the “Runs” information.
How to associate our Database now that the Project is created?
Instance Definition: TBD
Database Definition: TBD
Now we have the DB associated to the Project and user can continue defining the Requirements.
How to Create Requirements?
Requirements Definition: TBD
After creation, the Requirement will be grouped as “Pending Tasks” at the vertical Navigation bar. User can check the checkbox beside the Requirement to turn this on and moved them into “Active Tasks”. Also the user can see the Requirement generated into the Dashboard with
How to Create Page?
Page Definition:
If the user navigates under the Requirements, Wayfast offers the possibility to generate multiple Pages. But first, we need to define which Layout are going to be our default to create pages.
Once the user clicks “Accept” button, the page is loaded on Dashboard.
How to Add Control?
Control Definition: TBD
Now that we defined the Page under the Requirement, Wayfast give us the chance to establish a set of Controls under the page generated.
NOTE: You can find more details about Controls on the specific documentation for this functionality[s2].
In the first part, we learnt about how to create a Solution and how they can contain Projects. We defined the structure by associating the Project with a Database. In the second part, we created Requirements that can be linked to multiple pages, and finally we navigated briefly through the Controls that we can insert and manage according to our application needs. This first approach to Wayfast definitely helped us to get a more familiar with the tool, now we can go through in depth all the features and functionality of the system.